CCoharie CC Members,

As discussed in the April newsletter the drainage of sixteen green was initiated on April 16th and completed on April 17th. From my perspective, it seems like a month ago. What we can expect from this drainage project, more consistent moisture levels across the green at all depths. Consistent moisture allows for a healthier root system, more efficient nutrient uptake, and a much more consistent ball roll and in general a much healthier green that will have a much better chance of battling the current shade issues. Only time will tell if the drainage was the total answer or a major contributor to the answer. Our primary goal at this point is to grow the root system deep once again as it was severed at approximately one inch below the surface. This re-rooting has already begun and is moving along well. I mowed the green yesterday, the 25th for the first time and the green firmness was obvious, initial success. The areas that were re-sodded will take time to even out where it will be seamless and blend in with the rest of the green, but we have already started to chemically treat it with growth regulator, fertilizer, and fungicide to enhance that process and help to keep it fungus free as we move into the more consistent weather patterns. I ask that if your ball comes to rest onto the sodded areas on sixteen green or number six green, please remove the ball and take appropriate free relief per USGA guidelines, these areas are ground under repair. Please be careful when repairing ball marks on the newly planted sod. Please do not pull the roots up, they are very tender right now.

One of our next purchases (in the process) will be a sod cutter that we can have on site to start filling in many longstanding bare areas of the course. This process is best performed during the growing season for obvious reasons, and it is our goal to repair as many of those areas this growing season.

In May our verticutting/coring processes will begin on the greens but also the front of #2 green collar, right/left side of #6 to assist in promoting the spread of the Bermuda stolons to cover a few bare areas. The pull behind aerator for the tractor will be in use this year as well as our core aerator walk behind to alleviate many compacted areas on the course, which will benefit the grass at many levels but mostly the health and vitality of the soil/grass.


Fairways and Greens



